Wallball Academy

The Routine

  1. Regular (R/L 10x each)
  2. Quickstick (R/L 10x each)
  3. One Hand (R/L 10x each, choke up halfway on the stick)
  4. Crosshanded (R/L 10x each)
  5. BTB (R/L 10x each)
  6. Catch, Split, Throw (R/L 10x)
  7. Throw, change hands while ball in air, catch (R/L 10x)


Mileage will vary

Do this routine more often for better results. But remember, there is a difference between lazily going through this routine, and doing it with enthusiasm and vigor.

Find creative ways to add variety and skill to this routine: backhand passes, between the legs passes, catch it behind your head, roll dodge between passes, etc etc. If you drop the ball, start that step over. See how fast you can go through the routine. Change the order of the routine. Make up your own routine.

You get the point. Lacrosse is a game of creativity. Excercise your creativity in your practice, and it'll show in your game.